National Centre for Regional Development was founded more than 60 years ago. During this period NCRD has changed a few names, but always has worked in the same field of activities. And always implements its projects with high professionalism and responsibility.

Over the years, the National Centre for Regional Development (NCRD) runs various projects related to planning and management of the territory. Most of the projects are interdisciplinary and incorporate analysis approaches and solutions from different areas. Generally, they can be classified into following main areas:

Strategies and plans: Covering the country territory, some of its parts, counties, municipalities. Thematically linked to the multidisciplinary analyses, strategies, plans, concepts. Mostly related to the statements and postulates of the Law on Regional Development.

Urban planning: Related to municipalities, settlements or their separate parts. Thematically related – General Master Plans (MSP), Detailed Development Plans (DDP), concepts etc..

Integrated Planning: Current projects in the last few years with the territorial scope of urban planning and integrated strategic approach to the tasks and results. Best examples – Integrated urban regeneration and development plans (IURDP). Due to their complexity, are classified in both categories.

International projects: National Centre for Regional Development (NCRD) over the years has performed and participated in many international projects related to its core thematic areas. Under various names, the center performed independently, as part of an international team or providing their experts in projects related to urban planning, preparation of multinational analyses, strategies and other documents.

National and regional planning
Spatial and urban planning
Integrated Urban Plans
International projects